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Electric vehicle sales in New Brunswick reach record high





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During the first half of 2023, electric vehicle sales in New Brunswick reached a record high, despite ongoing concerns about the province’s car charging network. Statistics Canada reported that there were 365 newly registered fully electric vehicles in the province, a 67% increase compared to the same period in the previous year. This surge in sales shows that many potential buyers are not deterred by the spotty charging infrastructure in the area.

While New Brunswick has set a goal of having electric cars makeup 6% of new vehicle purchases by 2025, they are currently only at 2%. To achieve their target, the province will need to significantly expand its public charging infrastructure. However, for now, buyers like Jamie Reschny from Saint John are finding ways to adapt to the current situation, relying on overnight charging at home and the occasional stop at a slower public charging station during longer trips.

Overview of Electric Vehicle Sales in New Brunswick

In recent years, the sales of electric vehicles (EVs) in New Brunswick have been on the rise. Despite concerns about the adequacy of the charging network, the province has seen record-breaking sales in the first half of 2023. This article will explore the increase in EV sales, concerns about the charging network, positive experiences with EVs, government goals for EV adoption, the role of charging infrastructure, and the challenges in expanding the charging infrastructure. We will also discuss the future outlook for EV sales in New Brunswick.

Electric vehicle sales in New Brunswick

Increase in Electric Vehicle Sales

Record-breaking sales in the first half of 2023

According to Statistics Canada, there were 365 newly registered fully electric vehicles in New Brunswick during the first six months of 2023. This is a 67% increase compared to the same period in 2022 and more than four times the number of registrations in the first half of 2021. These record-breaking sales indicate a growing interest in EVs among New Brunswick residents.

Comparison to the previous year’s sales

The significant increase in EV sales in 2023 is even more impressive when compared to previous years. In 2022, the number of EV registrations surpassed the combined total of the previous five years in New Brunswick. This demonstrates a rapid growth in EV adoption and a shift towards sustainable transportation options.

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Factors contributing to the increase

Several factors have contributed to the increase in EV sales in New Brunswick. One of the main factors is the growing awareness and concern about climate change. As people become more conscious of their environmental impact, they are choosing to reduce their carbon footprint by opting for electric vehicles. Additionally, government incentives and rebates for EV purchases have made them more affordable and attractive to potential buyers. The availability of a wider range of EV models with improved technology and longer-range capabilities has also played a role in the increased sales.

Concerns about Charging Network

Inadequacy of charging network

One of the major concerns about EV adoption in New Brunswick is the inadequacy of the charging network. The province currently has a haphazard network of public charging stations located in various spaces, such as gas stations, hotels, and parking garages. Most of these locations offer slower-charging Level 2 plug-ins. This lack of infrastructure makes it challenging for EV owners to find accessible and convenient charging stations throughout the province.

Impact on potential buyers

The insufficient charging network has raised concerns among potential EV buyers. The fear of not being able to find a charging station when needed, especially during longer trips, can discourage people from making the switch to electric vehicles. This “range anxiety” hinders the widespread adoption of EVs and highlights the need for an expanded and reliable charging infrastructure.

Testimony from New Brunswick Power

New Brunswick Power, the provincial utility company, has recognized the importance of a comprehensive charging network for EV adoption. In a ruling by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board, the utility requested lower rates for charging stations to make them more affordable to build and operate. The board agreed to these requests, emphasizing the role of charging infrastructure as an enabler of EV adoption.

Positive Experiences with Electric Vehicles

Testimonial from a New Brunswick resident

Despite concerns about the charging network, many New Brunswick residents have positive experiences with their electric vehicles. One resident, Jamie Reschny from Saint John, expressed satisfaction with his electric KIA. He mentioned that charging at home overnight is the primary method of charging, and longer trips only require a brief stop at a slower-charging station. Reschny’s positive experience highlights the convenience and feasibility of owning an EV, even with the current state of the charging network.

Use of majority of charging at home

A significant advantage of owning an electric vehicle in New Brunswick is the ability to charge at home. Most EV owners rely on overnight charging in their driveways, eliminating the need for frequent visits to public charging stations. This convenient and accessible charging option contributes to the positive ownership experience of EVs in the province.

Minor inconveniences on longer trips

While charging infrastructure limitations can present challenges during longer trips, EV owners in New Brunswick have found ways to navigate these minor inconveniences. Planning ahead and making use of slower-charging stations for short charging sessions can help mitigate range anxiety. The overall positive ownership experience and minimal inconveniences indicate that the current charging network, although limited, is still functional for many EV owners.

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Government Goals for Electric Vehicle Adoption

New Brunswick’s targets for EV market share

The government of New Brunswick has set ambitious goals for EV adoption in the province. They aim to have electric cars and trucks account for six percent of new light-vehicle purchases by 2025, and 50 percent by 2030. These targets are part of the province’s plan to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While the current market share for EVs in New Brunswick is approximately two percent, there is a clear need for accelerated growth to meet the government’s targets.

Comparison to other provinces

When compared to provinces like Quebec and British Columbia, New Brunswick lags behind in terms of EV market share. In Quebec, EVs already make up 10 percent of new vehicle purchases, while in British Columbia, the figure is even higher at 12 percent. To catch up with these provinces and achieve the government’s targets, New Brunswick must focus on expanding its charging infrastructure and addressing associated challenges.

Acknowledgement of the need for charging infrastructure expansion

The government of New Brunswick recognizes the importance of an expanded charging infrastructure for EV adoption. Environment Minister Gary Crossman recently acknowledged that there are not enough chargers available for public use in the province. The minister’s comments reflect a commitment to improving the charging network and making electric vehicles more accessible to the general public.

Role of Charging Infrastructure in EV Adoption

N.B. Power’s perspective on charging network

New Brunswick Power has emphasized the crucial role of a comprehensive charging network in enabling widespread EV adoption. The utility company highlights the need for affordable charging stations to encourage their development and operation. By ensuring that charging rates are comparable to those in the region, charging infrastructure can become more accessible and address the concerns of potential EV buyers.

Requests for lower rates for charging stations

To support the growth of the charging infrastructure, New Brunswick Power requested lower rates for charging stations. The aim is to make charging stations more affordable to build and operate, which would incentivize their development across the province. The overall goal is to alleviate “range anxiety” and increase the convenience of owning an electric vehicle in New Brunswick.

Utilities Board ruling on charging rates

The New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board responded positively to New Brunswick Power’s requests for lower charging rates. The board confirmed that it will not apply general rate increases to N.B. Power’s EV Charging Rate Schedule. By approving a rate-setting approach comparable to charging rates in the region, the board supports the expansion and affordability of the charging infrastructure.

Acknowledgement of Charging Infrastructure Need

Minister’s comments on charging infrastructure

Environment Minister Gary Crossman has acknowledged the need for an expanded charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in New Brunswick. Despite the recent controversy surrounding a rapid-charging station adjacent to the minister’s parking space, Crossman emphasized that more chargers are necessary for public use. His acknowledgement reflects a commitment to improving the charging infrastructure to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles.

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Access to rapid-charging station

While the rapid-charging station adjacent to Minister Crossman’s parking space is exclusive to government electric vehicles, it highlights an essential component of a comprehensive charging infrastructure. Rapid charging stations provide a quick and convenient charging option for EV owners, particularly during long-distance trips. Expanding the availability of rapid-charging stations throughout the province would significantly enhance the charging network’s efficiency and accessibility.

Recognizing the need for improvement

The acknowledgement of the need for improvement in the charging infrastructure by Minister Crossman reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the concerns of potential EV buyers. By recognizing and actively working towards expanding the charging network, the government aims to create a supportive environment for EV adoption, thereby achieving its goals for market share in the province.

Challenges in Expanding Charging Infrastructure

Concerns about charger availability

One of the significant challenges in expanding the charging infrastructure in New Brunswick is the availability of chargers. While there has been progress in increasing the number of public charging stations, there is still a shortage in many areas. This shortage creates inconvenience for EV owners and hampers the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Addressing this challenge requires strategic planning and investment in charging infrastructure development.

Public demand for more charging locations

The public demand for more charging locations highlights the urgency of expanding the charging infrastructure in New Brunswick. As EV ownership grows, the need for accessible and convenient charging stations becomes increasingly evident. The government and utility companies must work closely with public stakeholders to identify areas of high demand and prioritize the installation of charging stations accordingly. Public support and engagement are integral to overcoming the challenges and meeting the demand for charging infrastructure expansion.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Despite concerns about the adequacy of the charging network, electric vehicle sales in New Brunswick have been steadily increasing. Record-breaking sales in the first half of 2023 indicate a growing interest in EVs among residents. Positive testimonials from EV owners emphasize the convenience and feasibility of owning an electric vehicle, even with the current charging infrastructure limitations.

The government of New Brunswick has set ambitious goals for EV adoption and recognizes the need for an expanded charging infrastructure to meet these targets. Utility companies, such as New Brunswick Power, play a crucial role in supporting the development and affordability of charging stations. However, challenges remain in expanding the charging infrastructure, including charger availability and public demand for more locations.

Looking ahead, it is essential for the government, utility companies, and public stakeholders to collaborate and invest in the expansion of the charging infrastructure. By addressing these challenges, New Brunswick can create a supportive environment for electric vehicle adoption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to a sustainable future. With continued efforts and investment, the future outlook for EVs in New Brunswick looks promising.

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