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N.B. Tourism And Rental Car Industry Struggles






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Tourism in New Brunswick is making a strong comeback, approaching pre-pandemic levels, despite the struggles faced by the rental car industry. A recent study by Statistics Canada revealed that although tourism activity in the province has rebounded quickly, it is still 20 percent lower than in 2019. The rental car sector, in particular, has been hit hard, with prices for rental vehicles increasing by nearly 50 percent since 2019.

The industry has faced challenges in replenishing their fleets due to global shortages and supply chain issues. As a result, alternative options like peer-to-peer car sharing and hourly rentals have gained popularity. While travel restrictions have been lifted, rental car inventories have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, posing further obstacles for the industry’s recovery.

NB Tourism Recovery

Study shows tourism approaching pre-pandemic levels

According to a recent study conducted by Statistics Canada, tourism in New Brunswick is on the path to recovery and is approaching pre-pandemic levels. The study revealed that despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism activity in the province has seen a rapid turnaround. This is encouraging news for the tourism industry as it indicates the resilience and potential for growth in the sector.

Tourism still 20% lower than 2019

Although the tourism industry in New Brunswick is showing signs of recovery, it is important to note that it is still 20% lower than the levels seen in 2019, before the pandemic. The study highlights that several macroeconomic factors have impacted the pace and extent of the recovery for tourism service providers, including the rental car industry. While there is progress, there is still work to be done to fully regain pre-pandemic levels of tourism activity.

Factors impacting tourism recovery

The study identifies several factors that have influenced the recovery of the tourism industry in New Brunswick. One significant factor is inflation, which has led to substantial price increases for hotel rooms and restaurants. Additionally, the rental car industry has experienced some of the steepest price increases in the province over the past two years. This has been attributed to the rising costs of maintenance and repair of existing vehicles, as well as the challenges in acquiring new vehicles. These factors have contributed to the slower recovery of the rental car industry in comparison to other sectors within tourism.

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Rental Car Industry Struggles

Impact of inflation on hotel rooms and restaurants

Inflationary pressures have had a notable impact on the pricing of hotel rooms and restaurants within the tourism industry. As prices continue to rise, travelers may be faced with higher expenses when it comes to accommodation and dining options. This can potentially affect the overall affordability and attractiveness of destinations, thereby influencing tourism demand.

Rise in prices for rental of passenger vehicles

The study highlighted a significant rise in prices for the rental of passenger vehicles. Since 2019, prices for renting vehicles have increased almost 50% nationally, posing challenges for rental car businesses and impacting their ability to attract customers. The higher costs of renting a vehicle can deter travelers from choosing this mode of transportation, potentially leading to a decrease in rental car industry revenue.

Difficulty in purchasing new vehicles

Another struggle faced by the rental car industry is the difficulty in purchasing new vehicles. The global shortage of semiconductor chips and the impact of the pandemic on the automotive industry have disrupted the supply chain, making it challenging for rental car companies to replenish their fleets. The shortage of new vehicles has limited the options available to rental car companies, affecting their capability to meet the demand for rental cars.

Depletion of rental vehicle fleets during the pandemic

During the first year of the pandemic, rental vehicle fleets in New Brunswick were depleted, and recovery to pre-pandemic levels has been slow. The decrease in available rental cars has created a supply-demand gap, contributing to the challenges faced by the rental car industry. As travel restrictions ease and tourism activity increases, the demand for rental cars is expected to rise, further exacerbating the inventory shortage.

Increase in non-traditional rental vehicle options

In response to the challenges faced by the rental car industry, there has been an increase in non-traditional rental vehicle options. Peer-to-peer car sharing and hourly rentals have gained popularity as alternatives to traditional rental cars. These options provide flexibility and convenience to travelers while addressing the limitations of traditional rental car companies. As the industry adapts to changing customer preferences, these non-traditional rental options may play a significant role in the recovery of the rental car industry.

N.B. Tourism Approaching Pre Pandemic Levels Despite Rental Car Industry Struggles

Challenges in Rebuilding Rental Car Inventories

Supply chain issues impacting rental car companies

Rental car companies have been grappling with supply chain issues that have hindered their ability to rebuild their inventories. The global shortage of semiconductor chips, a crucial component in modern vehicles, has disrupted the production of new cars, leading to limited availability. The rental car industry heavily relies on new vehicles to replenish its fleet and meet the demands of customers. The supply chain challenges have created delays and difficulties in acquiring new vehicles, impeding the recovery of rental car inventories.

Inflationary pressures affecting fleet rebuilding

Inflationary pressures have also had an impact on the rebuilding of rental car fleets. The rising costs associated with the maintenance and repair of existing vehicles, coupled with the higher prices for new vehicles, have strained the financial resources of rental car companies. This has made it more challenging for these companies to invest in expanding their fleets and replenishing their inventory.

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Tight labour markets and pent-up travel demand

The tight labour markets and pent-up travel demand have added to the challenges faced by rental car companies. As travel restrictions ease and more people start venturing out, there is an increased demand for rental cars. However, the tight labour markets have made it difficult for rental car companies to hire and retain staff, limiting their ability to meet the growing demand effectively.

Global shortage of semiconductor chips and new vehicles

The global shortage of semiconductor chips has had a widespread impact on various industries, including the automotive sector. The rental car industry heavily relies on new vehicles for its fleet, and the shortage of semiconductor chips has disrupted the production and availability of new cars. This shortage has further exacerbated the challenges in rebuilding rental car inventories and meeting the demand from customers.

Rental car inventories not back to pre-pandemic levels

Despite efforts to rebuild inventories, rental car companies have not yet been able to reach pre-pandemic levels. The combination of supply chain issues, inflationary pressures, tight labour markets, and the global shortage of semiconductor chips and new vehicles has resulted in slower progress in replenishing rental car inventories. This situation poses challenges for the rental car industry as it strives to meet the increasing demand from travelers.

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N.B. Tourism Recovery Strategies

Alternative rental options such as peer-to-peer car sharing

In light of the challenges faced by the rental car industry, alternative rental options such as peer-to-peer car sharing have gained popularity. Peer-to-peer car sharing platforms enable individuals to rent out their personal vehicles to others, providing additional rental options for travelers. These platforms offer flexibility and cost-saving potential, making them an attractive alternative to traditional rental car companies.

Shift towards hourly rentals

Another strategy adopted by rental car companies is the shift towards hourly rentals. Rather than the traditional daily rental model, companies are now offering shorter rental periods to cater to the evolving needs of travelers. Hourly rentals provide more flexibility to customers who may only require a vehicle for a few hours, reducing costs and increasing convenience.

Rebuilding rental car fleets

Despite the challenges faced, rental car companies are actively working towards rebuilding their fleets. This involves navigating the supply chain issues, exploring alternative vehicle options, and investing in new vehicles whenever possible. Rebuilding rental car fleets is crucial for meeting the increasing demand from tourists and supporting the recovery of the tourism industry as a whole.

N.B. Tourism Approaching Pre Pandemic Levels Despite Rental Car Industry Struggles

Implications for the Rental Car Industry

Impact of decreased inventories on rental car companies

The decreased inventories in the rental car industry have significant implications for rental car companies. Limited availability of rental cars can lead to higher prices, making it less affordable for travelers to rent vehicles. This may result in a decrease in rental car industry revenue and a potential loss of customers. Rental car companies need to address the inventory shortage to ensure their sustainability and competitiveness in the market.

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Addressing supply chain challenges

To overcome the supply chain challenges, rental car companies must actively seek solutions and establish partnerships with suppliers. Collaborating with suppliers can help streamline the procurement process and ensure a more reliable supply of vehicles. By addressing the supply chain challenges, rental car companies can minimize disruptions and rebuild their inventories more efficiently.

Adapting to changing customer preferences

Meeting the changing preferences of customers is crucial for the rental car industry to remain competitive. Companies need to listen to customer feedback, conduct market research, and identify trends to understand what customers value in their rental car experience. By adapting their offerings and services to align with these preferences, rental car companies can attract more customers and foster loyalty.

Future Outlook for N.B. Tourism

Continued recovery towards pre-pandemic levels

Despite the challenges faced by the rental car industry, the overall outlook for N.B. tourism is positive. With tourism activity approaching pre-pandemic levels, there is a sense of optimism for the future. As travel restrictions ease and more people feel comfortable traveling, the demand for tourism experiences is expected to increase. This presents opportunities for the tourism industry, including rental car companies, to continue their recovery and contribute to the overall growth of the sector.

The future of N.B. tourism relies on the ability of industry players to adapt to new travel trends and preferences. The pandemic has brought about significant changes in consumer behavior and expectations. Travelers are seeking unique experiences, more flexibility, and cost-effective options. By staying abreast of these trends and tailoring their offerings accordingly, tourism businesses, including rental car companies, can effectively meet the evolving needs of travelers and remain competitive in the market.

Collaboration between the tourism industry and rental car companies

Collaboration between the tourism industry and rental car companies is crucial for maximizing the potential for recovery and growth. By working together, industry stakeholders can share insights, identify common challenges, and develop strategies that benefit both sectors. This partnership can lead to innovative solutions and the creation of unique experiences that attract more visitors to New Brunswick. Collaborative efforts can ensure a stronger and more sustainable future for the tourism industry and the rental car sector.


In summary, the recovery of N.B. tourism is well underway, with tourism activity approaching pre-pandemic levels. However, the rental car industry continues to face challenges, including supply chain issues, inflationary pressures, and inventory shortages. These challenges impact the ability of rental car companies to meet the increasing demand from travelers. Strategies such as alternative rental options, hourly rentals, and fleet rebuilding are being adopted to overcome these challenges.

Moving forward, it is essential for the rental car industry to address supply chain issues, adapt to changing customer preferences, and collaborate with the tourism industry to ensure a sustainable and successful future. By doing so, both the rental car industry and N.B. tourism can continue to recover and thrive, offering memorable experiences to visitors and supporting the economic growth of the province.

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