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What Type Of Shells Can I Find At New Brunswick?




What Type Of Shells Can I Find At New Brunswick


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Curious about the shells you can find at New Brunswick? Look no further! In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the diverse assortment of shells awaiting discovery along the picturesque coastline. New Brunswick boasts an incredible variety of shells, ranging from delicate seashells in eye-catching colors to rugged, weathered ones that tell tales of untold maritime adventures. Whether you’re a passionate beachcomber, an avid collector, or simply someone with an admiration for nature’s wonders, New Brunswick offers a treasure trove of shells just waiting to be found. So grab your pail and shovel, and let’s explore the fascinating world of shells in beautiful New Brunswick!

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What Type Of Shells Can I Find At New Brunswick?

Seashells Found in New Brunswick

New Brunswick, a beautiful province located in eastern Canada, is home to a diverse range of seashells that can be found along its picturesque coastline. Whether you are a seashell enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply curious about the treasures that the ocean has to offer, New Brunswick is the perfect destination to explore and discover a variety of seashells. In this article, we will delve into the common, rare, and seasonal seashells found in New Brunswick, as well as provide tips on how to care for your seashell collection, where to find seashells, and the best time to embark on your seashell-seeking adventure.

Common Seashells Found in New Brunswick

New Brunswick is blessed with an abundance of common seashells that can be easily spotted along its sandy beaches and rocky shores. Here are some of the most commonly found seashells in this region:

Scallop shells

Scallop shells, with their distinctive fan-shaped design and ribbed patterns, are a common sight along the shores of New Brunswick. These shells can vary in color, ranging from white to shades of brown and even hints of orange. Keep an eye out for these stunning shells as you stroll along the beach, as they often wash up after storms or can be found nestled in the sand.

Mussel shells

Mussel shells, known for their smooth and elongated shape, are another common find along the New Brunswick coastline. These shells are typically dark blue or black, which adds a touch of elegance to any collection. You may even spot these shells attached to rocks or driftwood, as mussels are known for clinging on to these surfaces in the wild.

Clam shells

Clam shells, often found half-buried in the sand, are a true treasure for beachcombers in New Brunswick. These shells are usually pale in color and have a classic oval shape. Keep an eye out for the delicate hinges of these shells, which allow the clam to open and close.

Oyster shells

Oyster shells, known for their rough and irregular appearance, can also be found in New Brunswick. These shells are usually whitish-gray in color and have a rugged texture. Oyster shells are a prized find due to their unique shape and the intriguing stories they tell about the history of the coastline.

Periwinkle shells

Periwinkle shells, small and cone-shaped, are commonly found on the sandy shores of New Brunswick. These shells are often characterized by their vibrant colors, ranging from light green to deep purple. When collecting periwinkle shells, be on the lookout for their tiny inhabitants, as live periwinkles are often nestled inside their shells.

Rare Seashells Found in New Brunswick

While common seashells are a joy to find, it is the rare and unique seashells that truly capture the imagination of collectors. New Brunswick holds some hidden treasures for those who seek a more elusive seashell find. Here are a few rare seashells you may encounter in this region:

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Cowrie shells

Cowrie shells are a prized discovery due to their smooth, glossy texture and stunning patterns. These shells are often oval-shaped and come in an array of colors, including shades of brown, yellow, and white. Cowrie shells are considered rare in New Brunswick, making them a coveted addition to any seashell collection.

Moon snail shells

Moon snail shells, also known as shark eye shells, are a sight to behold if you are fortunate enough to come across them. These shells are characterized by their spiral shape and intricate pattern of ridges. Moon snail shells can vary in color and often exhibit beautiful shades of pink, brown, and cream.

Tulip shells

Tulip shells, with their striking elongated shape and graceful curves, are a rare find in New Brunswick. These shells can range in color from pale yellow to deep chestnut brown, and they often have intricate patterns that add to their allure. Keep a keen eye out for these elegant seashells, as they are sure to make a delightful addition to your collection.

Whelk shells

Whelk shells, similar in appearance to conch shells, are relatively rare along the New Brunswick shoreline. These shells are often large and sturdy, with a distinct spiral shape and prominent ridges. Whelk shells can vary in color, ranging from light gray to shades of brown and even hints of purple. Discovering a whelk shell is a true delight for any seashell enthusiast.

Seasonal Seashells Found in New Brunswick

In addition to the common and rare seashells found year-round, New Brunswick is also home to a variety of seasonal seashells that appear during specific times of the year. These seashells add an element of excitement and anticipation to the seashell-collecting experience. Here are a few seasonal seashells you might encounter in New Brunswick:

Sand dollar shells

Sand dollar shells, often found in pristine condition, can be discovered in New Brunswick during the summer months. These delicate shells resemble small round disks and are typically pale in color. Keep an eye out for sand dollars along the shoreline, particularly after high tides or storms, as they often wash up onto the beach.

Sea glass

While not technically a seashell, sea glass is a sought-after treasure that can be found along the shores of New Brunswick. Formed through years of natural tumbling in the ocean, sea glass takes on a smooth and frosted appearance. This beautiful glass can come in a variety of colors, ranging from vivid greens and blues to soft pastels. Searching for sea glass is a favorite pastime for beachcombers in New Brunswick.

Spindle shells

Spindle shells, with their long, slender shape and distinct spiral patterns, can be found during the spring season in New Brunswick. These shells are often small in size and vary in color, from shades of white to light brown. The delicate beauty of spindle shells makes them a captivating addition to any seashell collection.

What Type Of Shells Can I Find At New Brunswick?

Caring for Your Seashell Collection

Once you have embarked on your seashell-collecting adventure in New Brunswick and have amassed a collection of beautiful shells, it’s important to know how to properly care for them. Here are some tips for cleaning, displaying, and preserving your seashells:

Properly cleaning seashells

Before adding your seashells to your collection, it’s essential to clean them to remove any dirt or debris. Start by gently rinsing the shells with fresh water to remove sand or salt. For tougher deposits, you can use a soft brush or toothbrush to scrub the shells gently. However, be cautious not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the shells. If you want to brighten the colors, you can soak the shells in a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Once the shells are clean, rinse them thoroughly and allow them to air dry completely before storing or displaying them.

Displaying seashells

Displaying your seashell collection is a wonderful way to showcase the beauty of these natural treasures. There are various options for displaying seashells, depending on your personal preference and the size of your collection. You can use shadow boxes, glass jars, or even dedicated seashell display shelves. Arrange your shells in an aesthetically pleasing manner, taking into consideration their shapes, colors, and sizes. If you have larger shells, they can be standalone centerpieces, while smaller shells can be grouped together to create visually appealing arrangements. Be sure to place your seashells away from direct sunlight or extreme temperature changes to prevent fading or damage.

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Preserving seashells

Preserving the natural beauty of seashells is important to ensure their longevity. To preserve your seashells, you can apply a thin layer of clear varnish or shellac to protect them from decay and prevent the inner layers from deteriorating. Another preservation method is to use a mixture of equal parts water and white glue, which can be brushed onto the shells to create a protective coating. Remember to handle the shells gently and avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as these can damage their delicate structures.

Where to Find Seashells in New Brunswick

New Brunswick boasts a vast coastline teeming with seashells waiting to be discovered. If you’re wondering where to begin your seashell-collecting adventure, here are a few prime locations to explore:

Coastal beaches

New Brunswick’s coastal beaches are a treasure trove for seashell enthusiasts. Whether you visit popular beaches or venture off the beaten path to discover hidden gems, you are sure to find an assortment of seashells scattered along the shoreline. Some popular coastal beaches for seashell hunting include Parlee Beach, Bay of Fundy beaches, and Kouchibouguac National Park.

Estuaries and tidal flats

Estuaries and tidal flats are another great place to find seashells in New Brunswick. These areas are characterized by the meeting of fresh and saltwater, creating unique habitats where various seashells thrive. The Jolicure Pond Tidal Flats and Shepody Bay estuary are two prime locations known for their rich seashell diversity.

Islands and coves

New Brunswick’s islands and secluded coves hold a sense of mystery and intrigue, making them ideal spots for seashell hunting. From Grand Manan Island to Campobello Island, these coastal gems offer breathtaking scenery and a chance to find seashells that may be less common along mainland beaches. Exploring these islands and coves will undoubtedly lead you to some extraordinary seashell discoveries.

Best Time to Find Seashells in New Brunswick

Each season in New Brunswick offers a unique opportunity to find seashells, as conditions and the availability of certain species can vary throughout the year. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect during each season:


Spring is an exciting time for seashell collectors in New Brunswick. As the weather warms and nature comes alive, you can expect to find an array of shells, including spindle shells and smaller varieties of clam and mussel shells. Keep an eye out for seashells that have been exposed by winter storms, as they may wash ashore during this season.


Summer is the peak season for seashell hunting in New Brunswick. The warmer temperatures and increased beach activity bring a higher chance of finding seashells along the coastline. You can expect to find a wide range of seashells, including scallop shells, oyster shells, and sand dollar shells. Summer is also a great time to explore tidal pools, where you might discover fascinating creatures and unique shells.


Fall brings a change of scenery to the New Brunswick coastline, and with it, a different seashell experience. While some species may become less abundant as the colder weather approaches, you can still find seashells such as periwinkle shells and clam shells during this season. Fall also provides an opportunity to witness the stunning display of autumn colors along the shores as you search for seashells.


Winter in New Brunswick brings a sense of peace and tranquility to the coastline. While seashell hunting may not be as fruitful during this season, there is still a chance to find treasures that have been uncovered by the winter tides. Bundle up and explore the deserted beaches for sand dollars, sea glass, and the occasional seashell that has braved the cold.

Rules and Regulations for Collecting Seashells

When collecting seashells in New Brunswick, it’s important to be aware of the rules and regulations in place to protect the environment and ensure sustainable collecting practices. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Permits and permissions

Before collecting seashells, it’s essential to check if any permits or permissions are required. In some protected areas or national parks, special permits may be necessary to collect seashells. Research the specific regulations for the area you plan to visit to ensure you are in compliance with any permit requirements.

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Protected species

Certain seashells may be protected in New Brunswick, as they are important for the local ecosystem or considered rare. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the species that are protected to avoid inadvertently collecting shells that should be left undisturbed. Examples of protected species in New Brunswick include live sand dollars and sea stars, which should be observed but not taken.

Local laws and regulations

In addition to specific permits and protected species, it’s important to respect local laws and regulations when collecting seashells. Some beaches or areas may have restrictions on the collection of seashells or the removal of any natural items, including rocks or driftwood. Always be mindful of any signage or guidelines provided by local authorities and ensure you leave the environment as you found it.

Seashell Identification Resources

Identifying seashells can be an exciting and educational part of the seashell-collecting experience. If you come across a seashell that you’re unfamiliar with, there are various resources available to help with identification. Here are a few options:

Guidebooks and field guides

Guidebooks and field guides dedicated to seashells can be invaluable resources for identification. These books often include detailed descriptions, photographs, and information on the habitats of different seashells. Look for a guidebook that focuses on the seashells found in the Atlantic region or specifically covers seashells in New Brunswick.

Online identification tools

The internet offers a wealth of online resources dedicated to seashell identification. There are websites, forums, and online communities where you can upload photos or descriptions of the seashells you’ve found and receive assistance in identifying them. Online identification tools often have extensive databases that cover a wide range of seashell species, making it easier to narrow down your search.

Local experts and organizations

If you’re seeking expert advice or have specific questions about seashell identification in New Brunswick, reaching out to local experts or organizations can be incredibly helpful. Local marine biology centers, museums, or universities may have experts who can assist with identification or provide additional information about the seashells found in the region. Connecting with fellow seashell enthusiasts or joining local seashell-collecting groups can also provide valuable insights and resources.

Plan Your Visit to New Brunswick

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the seashells found in New Brunswick, it’s time to plan your visit to this stunning province. Here are some tips for making the most of your seashell-collecting adventure:

Booking accommodations

Before embarking on your seashell-collecting journey, be sure to secure comfortable and convenient accommodations. New Brunswick offers a range of options, from beachfront cottages and cabins to hotels and bed and breakfasts. Consider staying near the coastline to maximize your seashell hunting time and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.

Exploring other attractions

While seashell collecting may be your primary focus, New Brunswick has much more to offer. Take the time to explore other attractions and activities that the province has in store. From scenic hiking trails and national parks to charming coastal towns and historic sites, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience the diverse culture, delicious seafood, and warm hospitality that New Brunswick has to offer.

Packing essentials

When preparing for your seashell-collecting adventure in New Brunswick, there are a few essential items to consider packing. These may include sturdy footwear for beachcombing, sunscreen to protect against the sun’s rays, a hat for added sun protection, a reusable bag or bucket to collect your seashells, and a camera to capture the beauty of the coastline. It’s also a good idea to bring along a field guide or reference book to aid in shell identification.

With this comprehensive guide to seashells in New Brunswick, you are well-equipped to embark on your seashell-collecting adventure. Whether you’re captivated by the common seashells found along the shoreline, fortunate enough to discover rare treasures, or intrigued by the seasonal delights that appear, New Brunswick promises a memorable and fulfilling experience for seashell enthusiasts of all ages. So grab your buckets, unfold your maps, and get ready to uncover the beauty that lies within New Brunswick’s seashells!

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